New York (IP) - Iran's ambassador and representative to the United Nations stated that pressure, intimidation, threats and confrontation are not the solution and will eventually lead to a stalemate and added that the only practical option for revitalizing the JCPOA is honest constructive dialogue and cooperation.

Iran PressAmerica: Amir Saeed Iravani, the ambassador and permanent representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations, in the meeting of the United Nations Security Council on the topic "Non-proliferation: Implementation of Security Council Resolution 2231 (2015)", emphasized: "The fundamental policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in rejecting nuclear weapons, as well as its strong determination to use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, remains unchanged. I also affirm Iran's firm commitment to dialogue and diplomacy."

Iran's senior diplomat at the United Nations stated: "The JCPOA was a multilateral diplomatic achievement that was achieved with difficulty and effectively prevented an unnecessary crisis."

He emphasized: "JCPOA remains the best option, it has no alternative, and its revival is really in the interest of all its members."

Iran, for its part, has never turned its back on negotiations and has shown its sincere desire to resume talks to revive the JCPOA while announcing readiness to fully implement its obligations under the JCPOA when it is restored and accepted by the United States and all other parties to resume all their obligations in a timely, effective, complete and honest manner under the JCPOA and Resolution 2231. Such a matter requires their real political will, Iravani noted.


Mojtaba Darabi