New York(IP)-Iran’s Acting Foreign Minister called on the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to take a decisive action and compel the zionist regime to "immediately and unconditionally" put an end to genocide against Gaza.

Iran PressAmerica: Bagheri Kani made the comments on Wednesday as he addressed a UNSC meeting on the situation in Palestine, which was convened by Russia.

The following is the full text of the Iranian diplomat’s speech at the meeting held in New York.

In the Name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful

Mr. President.

I would like to thank the Russian Federation for organizing this timely open debate.

Over the past 285 days, the Israeli-occupying regime has been committing extensive international crimes in Gaza.

This regime, through a campaign of brutality and terror, continues to massacre innocent people, mostly women and children. In this deadly campaign, about 20 people are killed or injured every hour. The Israeli regime has destroyed over 80% of residential areas and all infrastructure, including hospitals, mosques, churches, educational centers, and historical sites in Gaza.

This regime has brutally weaponized starvation as a means of war by blocking the aid routes. Bombings the refugee camps in Rafah and attacking the displaced people in Khan Yunis are just two examples of these recent inhumane crimes.

Mr. President,

Despite the global condemnation of the genocide and war crimes committed by the Israeli regime in Gaza and the unanimous and united call of the international community for an immediate end to genocide and massacre of Gaza's people, immediate and permanent ceasefire, and delivery of humanitarian aid—which have been reflected in four UN Security Council resolutions, numerous statements by international organizations, three provisional measures of the International Court of Justice, and widespread protests—the Zionist occupying regime continues its brutal crimes against Palestine with full impunity.

Mr. President,

Recently, the warmongering leaders of this regime have been under the illusion that expanding the war to Lebanon can save them from the quagmire of Gaza. This is an absurd and dangerous miscalculation and exacerbates the already chaotic situation in this sensitive region to spiral out of control.

In this chamber and from this podium, I would like to strongly warn against any adventurous action by this rogue regime and its consequences. Undoubtedly, any aggression against Lebanon, as an independent member state of the United Nations, by the Zionist regime will be met with a decisive and disappointing response from the international community, the nations of the region, and the resistance groups. It is evident that the responsibility of the United States, as the strategic ally and main supporter of the regime in the region, cannot be denied in the face of any potential aggression by the regime against Lebanon.

Mr. President,

The recent support of the regional countries to the Palestinian resistance stems from the inhumane crimes of the Israeli regime in Gaza, which have been ongoing since 1948.

More than nine months of massive attacks by the Israeli regime on Gaza and the West Bank proved that destruction of the Palestinian resistance and Hamas, as a liberation movement established against occupation and aggression, is nothing more than an illusion. The support of all the nations of the region and the freedom seekers of the world to the praiseworthy resistance of the Palestinian nation also proved that this nation is not at all alone in realizing this inherent right.

Israel is not a legitimate state, it is only an occupying regime, and the passage of time does not and will not give legitimacy to the occupying regime because based on the well-known principles of international law,  occupation of a land or territory is temporary, even if it lasts for decades.

Mr. President,

The only way to restore peace is to put an immediate, complete, and permanent end to the occupation, aggression, and crimes committed by this regime. The Security Council has the responsibility to achieve this goal, and, regrettably, the inaction and inability of the Security Council over the past nearly 80 years has emboldened the Israeli regime to commit more crimes against the oppressed people of Palestine.

We strongly call for rectifying these historical failures and fulfilling the Council's legal, political, and human duty, especially by permanent members of the Security Council. In this context, the responsibility of the United States is even heavier. This country, with approximately 50 vetoes and extensive support to the Israeli regime, has not only played a role in this major failure of the Council but has also been a primary accomplice in the crimes and aggressions committed by this notorious and criminal regime through comprehensive financial, military, and intelligence support. Therefore, the U.S. claim to promote peace and stability in the region and its mediating efforts to establish a ceasefire are hypocritical.

Mr. President,

The Islamic Republic of Iran reiterates its call for the decisive action by the Security Council. We urge the Security Council to take the necessary measures based on its duties under the United Nations Charter, including adopting a comprehensive and legally binding resolution under Chapter VII of the UN Charter, to compel the Israeli regime to immediately and unconditionally end genocide and aggression against Gaza, implement a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, and open border crossings for the rapid and unhindered delivery of humanitarian aid.

The Security Council must also compel the Israeli regime to immediately, fully, and unconditionally withdraw its military and security forces from Gaza, lift the siege of Gaza, stop the forced displacement of people, halt illegal settlement activities, and provide full and immediate compensation for all damages inflicted on the people, infrastructure, residential areas, and similar in Gaza and other Palestinian territories to facilitate the rapid reconstruction of Gaza.

This regime must also withdraw from all occupied Palestinian, Syrian, and Lebanese territories and refrain from any military attacks on Lebanon or other countries in the region. Furthermore, the international community and competent international organizations must ensure that all the commanders, perpetrators, and supporters of Israel's crimes in Gaza and other Palestinian territories are prosecuted and punished.

The Islamic Republic of Iran has always been a positive element in regional developments, stabilizing sustainable peace and security, including the fight against terrorism. In contrast, the Israeli regime has been the main source of regional insecurity, and the malicious activities of this regime have always posed a serious threat to regional and global peace and security.

The nature and essence of the occupying Israeli regime are based on aggression, occupation, terror, and genocide. This regime and its notorious prime minister, for whom the International Criminal Court (ICC) has requested an arrest warrant on charges of war crimes, have always attempted to accuse others by resorting to a campaign of lies and misinformation. The Security Council must hold accountable the rogue and rebellious Israeli regime and put an end to the roots of war and genocide in Gaza and insecurity in the region.

Mr. President,

In conclusion, I reaffirm the inalienable right of the regional nations, including the Palestinian people, to defend and resist occupation and aggression. The Islamic Republic of Iran maintains that a comprehensive, fair, and lasting solution to the Palestinian question is only possible by ending the occupation of all Palestinian territories, allowing the Palestinian people to realize their right to self-determination through holding a referendum among all the original Palestinian residents and establishing an independent and unified State of Palestine. This is the only viable way to establish durable peace and security in the West Asia region.

I thank you, Mr. President



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