Iran's ambassador to the United Nations, in response to the anti-Iranian letter of three European countries said that Iran has not carried out any activities contrary to Resolution 2231.

Iran PressAmerica: On Wednesday, Amir Saeed Iravani, Iran's ambassador and permanent representative to the United Nations, in a letter to Antonio Guterres, the Secretary-General of the United Nations and also the rotating chairman of the Security Council, said: "This letter was prepared in response to the letter dated October 9, 2023 of the representatives of France, Germany and the United Kingdom addressed to the President of the Security Council and the Secretary-General."

In this letter, the three European countries have once again made a desperate attempt to establish an irrelevant and fabricated connection between Paragraph 3 of Appendix B in the Security Council Resolution 2231 (2015) and the Qased space launch vehicle belonging to Iran, which successfully launched the Noor-3 satellite on September 27, 2023.

In the letter of the ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations, it is stated: "The Islamic Republic of Iran decisively rejects the unsubstantiated claims against it in the letter, and reiterates that Iran has not carried out any activities violating Resolution 223. The Islamic Republic of Iran considers such claims to be baseless, which are just as unjustifiable as the arbitrary and misleading interpretations of Resolution 2231. Iran's position regarding such frequent and baseless claims has been explained in numerous letters."

Irvani clarified: "The Islamic Republic of Iran has repeatedly announced that its missile and space programs are outside the jurisdiction of Security Council Resolution 2231 and its annexes. The governments of the above-mentioned letter, instead of engaging in such an immoral act and at the same time making repeated baseless and politically motivated claims against the Islamic Republic of Iran, should fully and truly fulfill all their legal obligations under that resolution, including by refraining from any action that undermines the implementation of Security Council resolution 2231 (2015), especially those that undermines Appendix A to this resolution.

Iran's ambassador to the United Nations also said: "We warn against any political approach used by some developed countries with space programs. They undoubtedly seek to discredit developing countries' use of space technology for peaceful purposes under absurd pretexts, such as nuclear proliferation concerns."

This hypocritical approach seriously endangers the exercise of the inherent right of countries to access space and celestial bodies, as well as their freedom to explore and use space for peaceful purposes, including their free access to science, technology and space applications without any kind of discrimination.

The senior diplomat of the Islamic Republic of Iran at the United Nations stated:  "The Islamic Republic of Iran reiterates that it is determined to continue its activities in the field of ballistic missiles and space launch vehicles, both of which are within the framework of its inherent rights based on international law and are necessary to maintain its security as well as its socio-economic interests.

With regard to the mission specified in the Security Council Chairman's note on the duties of the Council based on Resolution 2231 (2015) (S/2016/44), in his next report on the implementation of Resolution 2231, the Secretary-General is expected to fulfill his duties within the framework of the assigned mission and refrain from reporting such irrelevant activities. Instead, based on the aforementioned conditions, he is requested to report on the non-compliance of France, Germany and the United Kingdom with their obligations under this resolution, Iravani noted. 219

Read More:

Iran reacts to US baseless allegations on so-called violating Resolution 2231

Ashkan Salehian