Tehran (IP) - The government spokesman said that the budget bill of 2021 is based on today's realities and with a view to the near future, noting that not staying in the realities that arose as a result of sanctions, shaping the atmosphere to push back sanctions and improving the situation in the future is considered in drafting the budget.

Iran PressIran news: Ali Rabiei said in a press conference held on Tuesday: "The 2021 budget bill is based on today's realities and with a view to the near future and in an effort to improve the better future."

He noted that the first principle envisaged in the budget is the realities of the country today, but not staying in the realities that were created as a result of the sanctions, shaping the atmosphere of pushing back the sanctions and improving the situation in the future is considered in the budget.

The government spokesman said that actualizing revenues and covering unavoidable expenditures or eliminating unnecessary expenses was considered in the budget bill and stated that one of the efforts of the government in the past years has been to get the budget bill out of closed chambers and commissions and put it in the public eye and under the supervision of everyone, and today the budget is more available to the society than ever before.

The official went on to say that the budget always went to the parliament as a vague document by the government and was reviewed in the commissions and the parliament and there was no room for criticism and transparency, but in recent years the government tried to present the budget to the public so that let everyone see and criticize it clearly.

Rabiei highlighted that "The budget bill has been formulated in terms of fiscal policies with the aim of empowering the exit from the recession and production, industrial growth and economic prosperity and maintaining the purchasing power of the people and supporting wage earners." 

In his today's presser, in response to a question about Tehran's position regarding the remarks of some foreign officials for a better agreement with Iran, the government spokesman said: "Simply put, the return to the conditions of May 18, 2018, the day the United States ended its obligations."

Ali Rabiei noted: "We expect the United States to reverse all the destructive trends as quickly as Trump did and without any preconditions. The next US administration knows very well what it must do to reassure Iran and what harmful actions it can avoid that could harm diplomacy. Until the United States returns to the point where it has distanced itself from its commitments, it is not substantially possible to consider new negotiations.

Regarding Japan and the Arab countries in the Persian Gulf for participating in new negotiations over the JCPOA, he said: "In general, we welcome Japan's greater role as a friendly country and an important partner in international affairs. In our view, the JCPOA-related negotiations are over and there are no plans for new negotiations that need to restructure the negotiations. The only thing left today is the return of all parties to their obligations under the agreement, and this is not a complicated matter.


Read more:

Rouhani : Budget bill prepared realistically, in accordance with public needs

Parliament stresses transparency, social justice in the next Iranian year budget


Zohre Khazaee