Key Points:
Coordination Efforts: Mohsen Tarztalab stated in a press conference on Saturday that necessary steps have been taken to coordinate with the Iranian Investment and Technical and Economic Assistance Organization.
Solar Power Plants: Tarztalab mentioned that the technologies required to build solar power plants can be prepared within 45 days if provided in advance. Under normal circumstances, launching these power plants takes between 5 to 6 months.
Energy Production Capacity: Iran boasts over 150,000 megawatts of energy production capacity from solar power and 71,000 megawatts from wind energy.
Transmission Needs: Between 15,000 to 20,000 megawatts of renewable electricity can be transmitted without the need for new investment in transmission lines and substations. However, expansion of the transmission network is required for the transmission of 20,000 to 30,000 megawatts and more, necessitating further investment.
Efficiency: With 300 sunny days and strong wind tunnels, the efficiency of electricity generation in Iran is higher than the global average.
Global Comparison: In other parts of the world, 30 to 50 percent of installed power plant capacity is supplied from renewable sources. Iran plans to allocate 30 percent of its power plant capacity to renewable energies.
seyed mohammad kazemi