Iranian scientist and professor of Tarbiat Modares University Dr. Masoud Soleimani

Tehran (IP) - An Iranian scientist and professor of Tarbiat Modares University announced the development of a Coronavirus treatment drug in Iran.

Iran PressIran News: Dr. Masoud Soleimani noted that the Coronavirus treatment drug was made by using stem cells, and so many physicians expressed satisfaction with the feedback to many patients.

Soleimani also said that the drug can cure the COVID-19 patients in three-stage in three to six days.

he added that the drug is effective for the patient that are in the first phase of the COVID-19.  

The Coronavirus was first detected in China's Wuhan in late December and has since spread across the world. 

Worldwide, the cases have reached more than 595,800 of which about 131,000 have recovered.

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Iran unveils new rapid Coronavirus diagnostic test

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