Tehran (IP) - The Head of Pasteur Institute of Iran Alireza Biglari said that in case a vaccine is made for COVID-19, time will determine to what extent the vaccine can protect a person.

Iran PressIran News: In a live press conference, Biglari highlighted the coronavirus's complex and novel nature and said diagnosing it plays a very important role to which all medical professionals should pay attention to the role of tests because they are only valuable until the moment of sampling. 

In the first phase, Bigdeli continued, the vaccine will be tested on a small number of people, and in the second phase, 200 to 300 people will be tested voluntarily to see the effectiveness of the vaccine.

The health official said that in the third phase, the vaccine will be injected into about 30,000 volunteers then it is produced in the wider sector if its safety is confirmed.

Iranian knowledge-based companies are also working to make vaccines along with over 200 groups around the world, he stated.

The key point to consider is that as long as making the vaccine is unpredictable, over the next two years implementing all health protocols, social distancing, and wearing masks are a must, Head of Pasteur Institute of Iran added.

Iran's Health Minister Saeed Namaki earlier this week said that Iran has made progress in production COVID-19 and reached its advanced level.

According to Saeed Iranian Health Minister produced vaccine has passed animal testing patterns to human clinical trials.


Read More:

Iranian Health Minister: production of COVID-19 vaccine in clinical trials

Iranian COVID-19 vaccine to undergo human trials: health min.

Iran's steps in producing COVID-19 vaccine

Hossein Vaez