Tehran (IP) - Those who advocated the fierce fight against global imperialism and claimed that they knew better than anyone how to fight it appeared to be working as the most loyal ones working in the White House.

Iran PressIran News: The member of the Iranian Expediency Council made the remarks at the first international conference of the martyrs of the Islamic Revolution Party held in Tehran on Tuesday, in the presence of the families of the martyrs and governmental officials.

Delivering a speech, Saeed Jalili said that the MKO members who trumpeted freedom then expressed the most dictatory treatments, and those who extremely opposed torture later became the most savage torturers. 

Jalili referred to the controversial judicial bill of 'Qisas' a few days before the martyrdom of Ayatollah Beheshti, saying that the Ayatollah invited all lawyers and experts to debate about the issue, but when the MKO elements failed to bring rationales, they bombed the headquarters of Islamic Republic Party office and assassinated him and his colleagues.

Qisas means retaliation and objective satisfaction of the crime that was inflicted on the victim in the form of murder, amputation, and intentional injury, in such a way that the effect left by the crime is practiced objectively on the criminal.

Jalili stressed that Ayatollah Beheshti never stuttered in defense of the right bill he was working on to be ratified in the Parliament. 

Assassination comes when logic fails, and one's thinking terminates, so they would reach a point where they manifest their real face, he noted. 

Still, as another keynote speaker, Iran's Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance said that Ayatollah Beheshti played a significant role in the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran.



Mohammad-Mahdi Esamili said that one of the most important works of Martyr Beheshti was the effort to train manpower to advance Imam Khomeini's Islamic movement. 

Esmaili mentioned the establishment of a coherent political party in the early days of the Islamic Revolution's victory was another key measure taken by martyr Beheshti to achieve the mentioned goal, the training of manpower for the Islamic Republic.

He referred to the late Ayatollah Beheshti's living in the West, namely Germany, and pointed out that being in the West had given him a wide insight into the world, but not being surprised by the technological progress of the West.


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