Ghanaian scholar:

Ghana (IP)- A famous Ghanaian Sunni scholar has described Imam Khomeini as a true unifier of the Islamic world.

Iran PressAfrica: The 14th of Khordad 1402 (June 4, 2023) is the anniversary of the departure of the Late Imam Khomeini (RA), the great founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

In an exclusive interview with Iran Press, Imam Kashif Yakub said that Imam Khomeini will be remembered as a person who fought for world unity. He has a great influence on people and nations. He was a unifier, savior, and benevolent.

He noted that the difficulties made Imam Khomeini a great leader. Imam Khomeini gathered a lot of experience when he was in exile.

Imam Kashif Yakub also added: "Imam Khomeini established a republican system of government based on Islamic teachings and by the will of the people."

He went on to say that Imam Khomeini's visit to the oppressed and less privileged people had a great influence on nations around the world. Imam Khomeini played a great role during Nelson Mandela's effort to rescue South Africa from the ruling of the Western world. As a leader, Imam Khomeini backed the Iranian people as much as he could and in turn, he was loved and supported.

"I will call Imam Khomeini a unifier leader, he as a Shia Muslim who never looked down on anybody who is not from the Shia community, whether Sunni Muslim or Sufi Muslim and even non-Muslim, Imam Khomeini tried his best to bring them together and assist and also help them realize their goals," Imam Kashif stated.

"Imam Khomeini's memory is always alive, and we must use his legacy, his spirituality, his thought, and his ideas," he said.

Imam Kashif Yakub called on the world to celebrate such a remarkable person who brings positive changes to the world and declared Iran to be an Islamic republic.


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Official : Imam Khomeini, Real essence of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Imam Khomeini thoughts harbinger of axis of resistance


Farhad Nayeb