Tehran(IP)-The Aerospace Force of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Chief announced: Iran has built an advanced all-Iranian hypersonic ballistic missile that is capable of passing through the most advanced missile defense systems with targeting the same missile defense systems that are among the most important elements of the enemy's defense.

Iran PressIran News: On the sidelines of the 11th anniversary of the father of Iran's missile industry Hassan Tehrani Moghadam, Amir Ali Hajizadeh remarked: For many years, we have been carrying out aerospace activities under the cruelest and severe imposed sanctions, but today we succeeded in building an advanced hypersonic ballistic missile.

Hajizadeh added that the system has a very high speed, with the ability to maneuver in the atmosphere and outside the atmosphere.

He reiterated: I don't think any technology will be able to deal with Iran's new missile even decades later.

He went on to say: The important and prominent point of the mentioned technology is that it targets any target, especially the enemy's defense shield systems, and this is a great success in the field of missiles, which contributes to the country's security.

He pointed out: The missile system is being developed in other fields, including drones, space, defense, electronic warfare, and other sectors by Iranian scientists, also Iranians will witness greater successes in the near future.

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The commander of the IRGC Aerospace Force also added: "Naturally, our enemies are striving to ban development, so we should stand alert not let that to happen."

Today, the country is engaged in a hybrid war, such as security, economic and political war, because the enemies want to stop Iran to be progressed but Iran's great nation will not let them.



Hassan Tehrani Moghaddam was appointed as the IRGC commander’s missile advisor and the head of the Self-Reliance Organization of the IRGC in mid-December 2006 and continued to hold the position until he was martyred in 2011.

He founded Iran’s long-range missile program and designed the Shahab, Ghadr, and Sejjil missiles with an operational range of more than 1,000 kilometers. 

Tehrani Moghaddam, known as the father of Iran's missile program, was martyred on November 12, 2011, in a blast at a missile base near Tehran.


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