Tehran (IP) – Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman says that with the efforts of the Iranian embassy, large numbers of Iranians living in Ukraine have been evacuated.

Iran PressIran News:  The Russian special operation in Ukraine began on Thursday after President Vladimir Putin ordered his forces to enter Ukraine, following months of a heavy military build-up on the border.

Putin says he had no other choice than to launch the military operation to stop the Ukrainian military's interference in two eastern republics broken away from Ukraine. Russia perceives NATO's eastward expansion as a threat.

On Tuesday, Saeed Khatibzadeh, Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman, announced the possibility of launching Tehran-Bucharest flight and then Tehran-Warsaw or Tehran-Budapest for Iranians living in Ukraine to leave the country.

He noted that some specific cases remained, and efforts were underway to evacuate the remaining Iranians from Ukraine to its neighboring countries.

Khatibzadeh pointed out that about 300 Iranian students have been resettled in the Polish capital.

According to the report, with the continuous follow-ups of Iran's Foreign Ministry officials and the Civil Aviation Organization, a flight permit was issued to return Iranian students and residents in Ukraine through Poland to Iran, and 300 Iranians returned to their country.


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