Iran Press/ Africa: The hoisting of the Muharram's flag happened in the Ashanti region of Ghana at the 'Siddiqat Tahira' Mosque with hundreds of Shia faithful chanting poems in praise of Imam Hussein.
The ceremony is a declaration of the beginning of a month of mourning for Imam Hussein and observing rituals to mark the Ashura, in which Imam Hussein, his family, and his companions were martyred in the 61st year after Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBHU) migration from Mecca to Medina.
Muharram is one of the most significant festivals celebrated by the Muslim community in India as it marks the beginning of the Islamic New Year.
The tenth day of Muharram is known as Ashura. Among Shia Muslims, Ashura is observed through large demonstrations of high-scale mourning as it marks the martyrdom of Hussein ibn Ali, the third Imam of Shia, who was martyred during the Battle of Karbala in 680 CE.
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'Niavaran Takyeh', oldest center of Muharam rituals in Tehran
Hossein Vaez