During a speech at the end of the four-day national convention of the Republican Party in Milwaukee, Donald Trump officially accepted the party's nomination for the November presidential elections of this country.

Iran PressAmerica: Republicans have assembled in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, for the fourth and final day of the Republican National Convention, where party delegates officially name their presidential candidate.

Former President Donald Trump accepted the GOP nomination for president for the third time on Thursday. He closed out the Republican National Convention with his first speech since he was targeted in a failed assassination attempt just days earlier.

During his convention address, Trump spoke for over an hour and a half, making it the longest speech in modern history. He began by somberly recounting the fatal shooting at his rally in Pennsylvania before transitioning into his characteristic meandering style of address.

With a bandage covering the wound where a sniper's bullet tore through his ear, Trump told Republican delegates in Milwaukee and a primetime television audience about his experience during the shooting, which left one rally attendee dead and two others wounded.