Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov says in a comment that Russia is developing multi-aspect cooperation with Iran and cooperation in the military-technical sphere will proceed depending on the needs of the parties, and US threats have no effect.

Iran PressEurope: Russia is not afraid of US sanctions because it is accustomed to them, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov added.

He also said that the United States repeatedly opposed the cancellation of the weapons embargo in respect of Iran during the last several months and introduced sanctions on sales of weapons to Iran at the national level on September 21.

The embargo on supplies to Iran and on Iranian export of conventional weapons expired on Sunday(today), the fifth anniversary from the effective time of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) on the settlement of the situation regarding the Iranian nuclear program and the UN Security Council’s Resolution 2231 approved in its support, which set the relevant term for restrictions.


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Farhad Nayeb