Reducing calories your boday absorbs from rice by up to 60%

London(IP)- scientists have found a way to lose weight loss, but it's not as easy as you'd like.

Iran PressEurope: Rice might seem like a healthy eating option – depending on what you have with it, of course – but it's not as good for you as you might think. Compared to the usual carbohydrate favourites such as bread or potatoes it's a winner, but it's still loaded with calories and starch, T3 magazine reported.

A single cup of rice contains about 240 calories and 1.6 ounces of starch; Harvard University reckons that a single serving of white rice can cause almost the same blood sugar spike as you'd get from eating pure sugar. And while carbohydrates are an important part of our diet, reducing your carb intake is rarely a bad idea.

Luckily, scientists in Sri Lanka have discovered a way of cooking rice that seriously reduces the starch levels, and which could reduce the calories absorbed by the body by up to 60%. First presented at a meeting of the American Chemical Society in Denver, it's an easy technique to try, but you'll need to plan ahead. 

First, though, science.  According to Sudhair A. James of the College of Chemical Sciences in Colombo, Western Sri Lanka, rice contains two types of starch – digestible and resistant, and its digestible starch that's the problem; it's broken down in the small intestine, metabolized into glucose and absorbed into the bloodstream.

However, says James, after your body converts carbohydrates into glucose, any leftover fuel gets converted into a polysaccharide carbohydrate called glycogen. "Your liver and muscles store glycogen for energy and quickly turn it back into glucose as needed," he explains. "The issue is that the excess glucose that doesn’t get converted to glycogen ends up turning into fat, which can lead to excessive weight or obesity."

Resistant starch (RS), however, doesn't get broken down, so James and his team looked into ways of cooking rice that increased the RS content. The result is a cooking technique that changes the cellular architecture of starch, making it resistant to digestive enzymes and reducing calorie intake by about 50-60%. Here's how to do it:

First, add a teaspoon of coconut oil to boiling water

Next, add half a cup of white rice and simmer for 40 minutes or boil for 20-25 minutes

Once the rice is cooked, cool it in the fridge for at least 12 hours

Finally, reheat your rice that now has about 10 times the amount of resistant starch.


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Arezoo RaoofiRad