The International Relations Court of Tehran issued a verdict sentencing the US government to pay $6.785 billion of damages to the Iranian petitioners of EB patients.

Iran PressIran news: After holding several hearings, obtaining documents related to the US sanctions on the children with EB and referring to various specialized experts, the Iranian court issued the verdict against the US for the illegal sanctions that led to pain and suffering to the patients.

The lawsuit was filed by the EB patients and 259 of the patients' families against 30 Juridical and Natural American officials who were involved in imposing sanctions on the drugs for the EB patients.

In the wake of the US unilateral withdrawal from the JCPOA in 2018, some companies affiliated with the US and European countries cut off trade exchanges with the Islamic Republic of Iran, including the Mölnlycke Health Care company.

Mölnlycke was the only producer of healing dressings for the wounds of EB patients in the world, which cut off its cooperation with Iran as soon as Trump imposed new sanctions on Iran.

Within about 8 months after the decision, the patients were deprived of any medicine to heal, and because of this, about 20 of these patients lost their lives.

Iran's international nuclear agreement or the so-called Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) was signed between the country and P5+1 countries (Russia, China, UK, Germany, France, and the US) in 2015, to lift the West's sanctions on Iran, but the US scrapped it on May 18, 2018, re-imposing more sanctions on Iran.

According to the agreement Iran was supposed to curb some of its legal nuclear activities and the other side was supposed to lift sanctions on the Iranian nation. The Western parties did not fulfill their commitments to the deal contrary to Iran which began to carry out the obligations and fulfilled them.


Read more: 

Iran reaches EB bandage formula: Health Minister