Nader Talebzadeh, a well-known Iranian researcher, film maker and film director has blasted the United States government for guiding and directing the Saudi-led bombardment of Yemen, and for fuelling Saudi warplanes which have devastated the country.

Iran news: In an exclusive interview with Iran Press on Thursday 22 November, on the sideline of a conference in support of the Yemeni people, film maker, Nader Talebzadeh, lashed out at America's unstinting support for the Al-e-Saud regime which has committed war crimes and crimes against humanity in Yemen.

Talebzadeh said: "We are concerned, the leadership of Iran is concerned, and the Iranian people are concerned about the terrible situation in Yemen. The Iranian revolution has an ultimate goal, and in reaching this ultimate goal, one of the most important angels is supporting Muslim countries that are being invaded by imperialists."

Talebzadeh pointedly added: "Yemen is literally being invaded by imperialists, the US has officers in Saudi-Arabia. They direct the bombarding of Yemen; the US fuels the Saudi warplanes, US sells (advanced) weaponry to Saudi Arabia. The Emirates are at guilt for supporting this coalition against the people which are being famished, the Yemenis are famished and everyone is to blame!"

Turning to European acquiescence, Talebzadeh said: "England is to blame, Germany should be blamed, the silence is a deadly silence, and it is an evil silence, so what we have not done so far has culminated in famine and starvation. Famine in Yemen is a result of not seeing Yemen as it should be seen." 211/103


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