Afghan official:

Afghanistan (IP) – Afghanistan's Deputy Minister of Counter Narcotics criticized the approach of the international community to the fight against narcotics in the country.

Iran PressAsia: In an interview with IranPress, Abdul Haq Hamkar said since the order was issued to ban the production and trafficking of narcotics in Afghanistan, the international community has not cooperated with the current government of Afghanistan against narcotics, including providing a substitute for the cultivation of poppy.

He said the Taliban, however, was cooperating with international bodies such as the UN in the fight against narcotics. 

Mullah Abdul Haq said that the international community might have tied the counter-narcotics to some political issues in Afghanistan. 

Afghanistan's Deputy Minister of Counter Narcotics noted that the current situation in the country was a golden opportunity to fight the production and trafficking of narcotics.

About one year ago, the Taliban interim government issued a ban on the cultivation, production, and trafficking of opium in the country; drug production increased tens of times during the two decades of the US invasion of Afghanistan.


Read more:

Opium production in Afghanistan 50-folded after US invation: Dep. FM

Taliban bans cultivation of narcotics in Afghanistan


Farhad Nayeb