Iran Press/ Africa: Muharram commemorates the death of the Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) grandson, Hussein Ibn Ali (A.S). After questioning the legitimacy of the caliphate of Yazid, Imam Hussein (A.S) was murdered during the Battle of Karbala, which took place on the day of Ashura in the year 61 AH.
In an interview with Iran Press in Accra, Maulvi Hafiz Ismael explained the ill-treatment of the grandson of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), leading to his martyrdom as the most cunning and barbaric one could ever imagine.
"After the demise of the Prophet through the time of the Sahaba, came the time when the Grandson of Rasulullah in the person of Hazrat Imam Hossein (AS) and his household were subjected to ill-treatment, so evil that it ended up in martyrdom of the grandson of Holy prophet Muhammed, he said".
"The household of the holy Prophet Muhammed was very much beloved to him as well as all Muslims, and as a Muslim, you can not love the holy Prophet Muhammed without loving his household, especially the household that follows his way and Islam," Maulvi Hafiz Ismael.
Hafiz Ismael Adusei describes these days of Muharram as the darkest days in the history of Islam after the perpetrators on the side of Yazid killed the grandson of Rasulullah at Karbala.
"As Muslims on the 10th day of Muharram which was the day when Hazrat Imam Hossein (A.S)was martyred on the land of Karbala around 61 AH by the perpetrators who were on the side of Yazid. These perpetrators martyred him in the most cunning and barbaric way one could ever imagine. And this is the beloved grandson of Rasulullah, these days were the darkest days in the history of Islam, Maulvi Hafiz Ismael".
"As Muslims which of these two groups should we look up to? Is it the Grandson of Rasulullah who wants to establish the truth about the Successorship of the Holy Prophet Muhammad and therefore did not want to pledge allegiance to Yazid by virtue of the fact that Yazid was not a legitimate leader of the Muslim community because the leadership of the Muslim community is not meant to be given out as a birthright as Muawiya willed the leadership to his son Yazid which was not the way Islamic leadership should be carried out".
In addition, Maulvi Hafiz Ismael Adusei further mentions that Imam Hussain’s school of thought should be promoted, and its universal message should be introduced to the entire humanity.
"Hazrat Imam Hossein and his school of thought, he was an embodiment of the practices of the holy prophet SAW and instructions of Allah the almighty. The importance of the preservation of his school of thought is by extension of the holy Quran not just by text but by its meaning and practices and the preservation of the holy prophet alongside all the sunnah that he preserved".
Muslims around the world mourn the first 10 days of Muharram by remembering the sacrifices made by the Prophet’s family in the bloody battle of Karbala. Hazrat Imam Hussain and his household are honored for their fight for justice in the face of immense hardship. Processions are taken out, and fasts are observed in remembrance of their martyrdom; Charity is also given to the needy.
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