Madrid (IP): Explaining the importance of April 1st as the Islamic Republic Day, Iran's cultural attaché in Spain described Iran's approach as honest interaction with all countries.

Iran PressEurope: After the glorious victory of the Islamic Revolution under the leadership of Ayatollah Khomeini, in march 1979, a referendum on the Islamic Republic was held throughout Iran.

According to the referendum result, which was announced on April 1, 1979, more than 98% of those eligible to participate in the referendum agreed with the establishment of the Islamic Republic. For this reason, the 12th of Farvardin has been named the day of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Iranian calendar.

"The Islamic Republic of Iran interacts with all countries that want to have an honest relationship with it, but it will not have relations with those who want to violate the interests of the Iranian nation." Mohammad Mahdi Ahmadi, Iran's cultural attaché in Spain, told the state-run Spanish News Agency EFE. 

Report: 41st anniversary of “Islamic Republic Day”

Ahmadi then explained the main slogan of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, namely independence, freedom, the Islamic Republic, and added that Iran, which before the victory of the Islamic Revolution, depended on the United States and its nut in the West Asian region, succeeded in achieving independence.

Iran's cultural attaché in Spain stressed that independence does not mean we will not have relations with any country. Still, it does mean that we will never become dependent on any superpower while interacting with other countries. 


Read More: 

Islamic Republic Day, a referendum granted real independence to the Iranian nation

Ali Akbar khandan