IP - At the annual meeting of the Group of Friends of Neutrality for Peace, Security, and Sustainable Development in Ashgabat, Iran's Deputy Foreign Minister for Legal and International Affairs, Kazem Gharibabadi expressed that the Israeli regime's aggressions against Palestine, Lebanon, and Syria must cease.

Iran Press/Asia: The annual meeting of the Group of Friends of Neutrality for Peace, Security, and Sustainable Development is being held on December 10 and 11 in Ashgabat. Representing our nation at this significant event is Kazem Gharibabadi, Deputy Foreign Minister for Legal and International Affairs.

During the meeting, Deputy Foreign Minister for Legal and International Affairs, Kazem Gharibabadi, praised Turkmenistan's initiative in naming International Day of Neutrality through the United Nations General Assembly. He called for continued global efforts to strengthen multilateralism to overcome shared challenges. Highlighting the daily aggressions of the Israeli regime against the defenseless people of Palestine, Lebanon, and Syria, he condemned the inaction of international bodies, particularly the United Nations Security Council, in halting these aggressions. Gharibabadi stressed the commitment of United Nations members to support the Palestinian people in their struggle against occupation and in realizing their right to self-determination.


Global Action and Support for Syrian Sovereignty


Highlighting the recent aggressions by the Israeli regime against Syria and the occupation of additional territories, Kazem Gharibabadi condemned these actions as further evidence of the regime's expansionist and aggressive nature, as well as its complete disregard for international norms and laws. He called for concrete action from the global community, particularly the United Nations Security Council, to halt these aggressions and hold the Israeli regime accountable for its crimes.

Deputy Foreign Minister of Iran reiterated the country's principled stance on respecting Syria's unity, national sovereignty, and territorial integrity. He emphasized that the future of Syria should be determined solely by its people and that achieving this requires an immediate end to military conflicts, the prevention of terrorist activities, and the initiation of national dialogues involving all segments of Syrian society to form an inclusive government representative of all Syrians. He further affirmed Iran's commitment to assisting Syria in establishing peace and stability and continuing consultations with relevant parties in the region to this end.


Gharibabadi Slams Sanctions, Calls for Regional Unity


In another part of his speech, Kazem Gharibabadi condemned the imposition of unilateral sanctions by certain countries claiming to uphold human rights, arguing that these actions violate international norms and the United Nations Charter. He stressed that such sanctions adversely affect trade and economic relations among regional countries and hinder their efforts to achieve sustainable development goals. Gharibabadi called for deeper cooperation and interaction among regional countries to neutralize these sanctions.

MANI GhadamKheir