Ghadir, Iran Army big step towards indigenization of submarine construction

Tehran (IP) - Any country's navy is considered an important factor for maintaining territorial and extraterrestrial waters and therefore always needs modern equipment. The case is true for the Iranian navy too.

Iran PressIran news: Based on past experiences, Iran has put the Ghadir submarine on the production line based on a foreign plan, and about 21 of them have been produced so far.

Ghadir class submarines can be introduced as the first serious and successful country to produce submarines.

At present, it can be said that Iran is known in the world as one of the producers and owners of the fleet of light submarines called "Midjet" with the construction of the Ghadir submarine.

In recent years, exceptional and important capabilities have been added to the submarine, and newer models have been gradually equipped with more advanced equipment. This submarine is now equipped with advanced reconnaissance systems and the ability to fire anti-ship cruise missiles.

The submarine has 29 meters long, about 2 meters and 75 centimeters wide, weighs 115 to 150 tons, has a crew of 8 to 12, 11 knots of speed, and a range of 1000 kilometers. It is also capable of firing torpedoes from two front positions, releasing various naval mines, carrying commando forces, and launching shower missiles. It has the necessary facilities for diving underwater for operations. This submarine can be placed on the seabed, and in this situation, radar systems cannot track it.

Two long-range torpedo chambers with a diameter of 533 mm, which can also fire anti-ship cruise missiles, are installed in front of the Ghadir submarine.


In general, two important characteristics of the Ghadir class submarine are weapons and its surprise. The torpedo on this submarine is 6 times more destructive than a cruise missile, and a 1000-ton vessel can take you to the depths of the sea in less than 10 seconds.

Ghadir submarine periscope is unique, and the industrialized countries of the world are applying to buy this periscope and optical system from the Islamic Republic of Iran. Ghadir submarine hull is produced in the country's alloy steel industry, which has special features. Ghadir's combat system is also very advanced. Ghadir submarine propulsion systems are BLDC engines that are brushless and charcoal-free.

These motors are smaller than conventional electric motors, which is the biggest advantage for a submarine, especially the size of Ghadir.

At the same time, this motor, with its smaller size, produces more efficiency and power, and due to the lack of a brush, it is quieter than the usual models of electric motors. Another advantage of this type of engine is the much less need for maintenance, which greatly reduces the time and cost of the repair and overhaul period.

Iran is the first country to install this type of engine on its diesel-electric submarines operationally. And has enemy ports and presence in shallow and small waterways with the ability to carry rangers and various weapons such as torpedoes and landmines.

These submarines are equipped with surface-to-surface missiles and have the good anti-surface capability.

Missile firing from under the sea is neither visible nor detectable, and the ability of the submarine to the surface is vital for the submarine because this capability means targeting from a distance. Ghadir submarine can sit on the seabed and detect the surrounding space with sonar.

The battle management system is installed on this submarine by the Marine Industries Organization. According to its speed and direction, the enemy vessel is simulated in this system and shows the best position of the submarine for firing torpedoes or missiles.

"Zulfiqar 99" rehearsal and Ghadir role-playing

"Zulfiqar 99" exercise was a good opportunity for the Navy of the Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran to demonstrate another important capability of "Ghadir" that makes this submarine has new operational capabilities.

During the exercise, Ghadir-class submarines, with the help of the Jask 2 project, became the first mass-produced light submarine in the world to have the operational capability to fire cruise missiles from underwater. "Jask 2" can be considered one of the most important and strategic missile projects in the maritime field because this project has given the ability to Iranian submarines to fire cruise missiles from underwater.

In the model used in Jask 2, the missile is placed inside a torpedo-like cover and ejected from standard 533 mm tanks. Then, as it approaches the water surface and the missile is activated, the outer shell is detached, and the missile is fired at the target.

The Jask-2 design is based on the Nasr-1 anti-ship cruise missile. This small and light cruise missile was chosen for this design because it can be used inside a small submarine like Ghadir. The missile has a range of about 35 km, and its warhead weighs about 150 kg.

Thus, anti-ship cruise missiles have become the standard weapon of the Ghadir family, which means that Iran is the first and the only owner of midget submarines equipped with anti-ship cruise missiles capable of launching underwater. 


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