Tehran (IP) - A group of the families of Mojahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MKO) members who are trapped in the terrorist group in Albania gathered outside the Turkish embassy in Tehran.

Iran PressIran News: Some family members of the people gotten stuck in the camp of Mojahedin-e Khalq (MKO) in Albania have gathered together in front of the embassy of Turkiye, Albania's interest section in Iran, to appreciate Tirana for its responsible act to control the terrorist group. 

In the gathering that was held on Friday, people were carrying signs asking the Albanian government to permit them to visit the country to follow up on the situation of their beloved ones.

The gathering was organized by the 'Association for the Rescue of Victims of Violence.'

Chanting slogans "The freedom of captives is our absolute right" and "Death to Rajavi," the participants asked the authorities of the Albanian government to act for the release of their beloved ones.

"I'm coming to Albania to meet you," "No to 60 years of betrayal," "Urgent request of families to install cameras in Ashraf camp" and "No to slavery" were the slogans chanted by the participants in the gathering.

At the end of the gathering, the families of the people imprisoned in the MKO camp issued a statement asking the Albanian government to employ all its tools to close "the medieval camp" and grant its members a free life away from the dominance of its leaders.

On June 20, armed clashes happened between the MKO terrorists and the Albanian police as the police inspected a base of the MKO in Manez, near Durres, western Albania.

During the operation, computers and other electronic devices were seized by the Albanian police.

In a related development, the French police announced that the MKO is not allowed to hold its annual gathering in Paris, which was another blow to the terrorist group in the past few weeks. The gathering has been held on June 20 every year since 2008.

Also on Thursday, Albania’s police were stationed at the MKO terrorist group’s camp once again.

The MKO has been responsible for numerous assassinations and bombings against Iranian statesmen and civilians since the victory of Iran's Islamic Revolution in 1979. The group fled Iran in 1986 to Iraq, where they received support from former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.

The MKO's acts of terror have resulted in the deaths of nearly 12,000 Iranians out of the nearly 17,000 killed in terrorist assaults since the Islamic Revolution. Despite this history of violence, MKO terrorists continue to operate freely in the US and Europe and even hold regular meetings where European and American officials make speeches.


Read More:

Albanian Police raid MKO terrorist base, killing one

MKO terrorist members harass Iranian family in Sweden

France cancels major MKO rally in Paris

Maryam Abolbagha