IP - Dozens of protestors converged on Facebook’s Menlo Park headquarters, accusing the Meta social media giant of censoring their pro-Palestinian posts.

Iran PressAmerica: Palestinian flags blanketed Facebook’s iconic "like" symbol during a protest at rush hour.

Protestors said the social media giant is blocking them from sharing images and stories about their friends and family in Gaza.

"I've been seeing a lot of my friends' pages being blocked. They cannot comment anymore. It also happened to me," said Fayeq Oweis, an organizer of the protest in front of Meta HQ.

A Facebook spokesperson responded to the protest, issuing a statement that reads in part: "We know there have been several issues that have impacted people's ability to share on our apps, including a technical bug that affected stories around the world." Facebook adds those bugs have been fixed, NBC reported.

But, Meta's digital restrains policy against pro-Palestinian content reveals its deep coordination with "Israel" to stifle Palestinian voice and narrative. 

The parent company of Facebook, Meta, adopted a new strategy earlier in 2016 represented in imposing firm censorship on Palestinian content through which Palestinian journalists, writers, and social activists encounter furious suppressive procedures in digital space on every occasion they report on Israeli crimes. 

Meta cracks down on any content against "Israel" by using a wide range of algorithms that automatically remove or ban any post or graphics that shed light on Israeli terror in Palestine, specialists of Social Platforms said.

Similar to the physical Israeli occupation military checkpoints, Meta precisely cracks down on any content against "Israel" by using a wide range number of algorithms that automatically remove or ban any post or graphics that shed light on Israeli terror in occupied Palestine.

These repressive measures were carried out after signing an agreement with "Israel" to fight Palestinian content and ease the spread of the Israeli narrative. 

An independent review of social media giant Meta's practices during the May 2021 war between Palestinians and Israel has identified a number of missteps in the company's handling of Arabic and Hebrew content circulating online.


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