Mashhad (IP) - The Commander of Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) says that Muslims will punish those who set fire to the Holy Quran.

Iran PressIran news: The leader of the Danish party 'Stram Kurs' (Hard Line) Rasmus Paludan, burned a copy of the Holy Quran near Turkiye's Embassy in Stockholm, an action that faces extensive protests from Muslim countries.

Major General Hossein Salami said that the holy Quran was so shining elegantly that was blinding for the enemies such that they could not tolerate the Quran's body and insulted it. 

General Salami made the remarks on Thursday at the closing ceremony of a Quran contest for IRGC personnel held in Mashhad, northeastern Iran.

"We say to those who burned the Quran, the fire will engulf you and turn your bodies into corpses. From now, live in secret and have nightmares every night; Muslims will not leave you even in comfort if decades pass," he noted. 

The Swedish party leader's desecration of the Quran faced strong condemnation from Muslims and Islamic countries including the Islamic Republic of Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Pakistan, and Jordan.


Read more:

Quran desecration must not be normalized in West: Envoy

Podcast: Reasons behind Quran burning in Sweden

Zohre Khazaee