Judiciary Chief:

Tehran (IP) - The chief of the Judiciary of the Islamic Republic of Iran stressed that the Judiciary must act authoritatively; this is not personal authority and is the power given to the body by the law.

Iran PressIran news: Speaking at a ceremony commemorating the Judiciary Week on Wednesday, Ebrahim Raisi said: "We must not have trial and error today."

This ceremony is held so that high-ranking judicial officials renew allegiance with the ideals of the Founder of the Islamic Republic, Imam Khomeini.

Raisi added: "We should try to do what Imam Khomeini and the martyrs and the Leader of the Islamic Revolution want."

The chief of the judiciary went on to say: "Today we have to work hard to administer justice, and the executive apparatus must rule in all layers of this apparatus of justice so that the number of cases entering the judiciary is reduced."

Raisi pointed out: "In the judiciary during the transformation period, we focused on justice to advance the "document of transformation", and in the presidential election, the message of the people was "change", and this change is also centered on the administration of justice.

The Chief of the Iranian judiciary, Ebrahim Raisi, and senior judicial officials also renewed allegiance with the aspirations of the martyrs by visiting the tombs of 72 people martyred in a bomb explosion in the office of the Islamic Republic Party in June 28, 1981.

On 28 June 1981, the Hafte-Tir bombing occurred, where the Judiciary Chief and the Secretary of the Islamic Republic Party Ayatollah Mohammad Beheshti, four cabinet ministers (health, transport, telecommunications, and energy ministers), twenty-seven members of the Majlis (Parliament), including Mohammad Montazeri, and several other government officials were assassinated.


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