Nature Day in Iran at a glance

Tehran (IP) - Today (Wednesday) is the 13th day of the month of Farvardin in the official calendar of Iran, which is designated as Nature Day.

Iran PressIran News: Every year as a part of the ancient tradition the Iranians on the thirteenth day of the New Year which is called Sizdah Bedar (lit. Thirteen Outdoor) go to nature to enjoy the natural blessings of a happy and memorable day with their families and relatives.

But this year occasion is totally different from previous years due to the spread of the Novel Coronavirus in Iran.

Unlike the past years, people all across Iran have been fighting against COVID-19 with empathy and support for their health and for those around them by launching campaigns such as 'Stay at Home', 'Read a Book', 'Defeat Corona' and 'Thirteen at Home.


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Photo: 'Nature's Day' in Mashhad's amazing Kohsangi Park


Farhad Nayeb