Here are different ways that the researchers reveal how you can overcome procrastination and regain motivation during the coronavirus pandemic.

Iran PressHealth: When COVID-19 emerged, people did not have time to adjust to the new lifestyle and process it. As a result of abrupt changes regarding how people live their lives gave rise, COVID-19 paved the way for mental health crises—increased stress, anxiety, and depressed mood—which over time may increase the risk of chronic illnesses, such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.

To compound matters, when people are fearful, stressed, or depressed, they are more likely to procrastinate and delay or postpone tasks and assignments.

To overcome procrastination, ask yourself these questions:

What tasks do you need to complete, and what are the deadlines? Create a list.

Which tasks are a priority? Rate and order tasks from 1 to 10, with 1 being a priority task and 10 being a nonpriority task that we can attend to later.

How much time will each task require?

When can you complete these tasks so that you can add them to your calendar?

Also, be aware of how you feel. Your thoughts, feelings, and behavior are related to one another.

Ask yourself these questions to help find out what is contributing to your procrastination:

How are you feeling today?

What thoughts are contributing to such feelings? For example, if you are feeling anxious, it would be a good idea to explore the deeper layers of your thoughts and emotions regarding why you are feeling anxious. Initially, it may be hard to identify these anxiety-provoking thoughts and emotions, but over time, it will become easier to name and tame your thoughts, and feel to heal your emotions.

How are such feelings, such as anxiety, contributing to your procrastination and delaying the completion of your assignments?


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