Tehran (IP) – The Chairman of the London Islamic Human Rights Commission referred to the spread of anti-Islamism in Western countries, saying that the increase in the number of Muslims in Western countries is one of the causes of anti-Islamism in the West.

Iran PressIran News: Massoud Shajareh stated that some believe that anti-Islamism is due to the lack of proper education of Islam in Western societies, but there are some government organizations that try to create a horrible image of Islam in Western societies.

Misconceptions about some terrorist groups, such as ISIS, and attributing them to Islam are among the causes of the emergence of Islam, he highlighted.

Massoud Shajareh noted that President Macron's recent remarks were also due to poor economic conditions and the coronavirus epidemic in the country in order to divert public opinion.

Also, in the meeting, a member of the Board of the Center for Religion and Politics, University of Washington, USA, Arsalan Eftekhar said that Western governments are concerned about the spread of Islam in the world.

He stressed that Millions of Muslims are being killed around the world because extremist currents fear the spread of Islam.

Head of the Ahlul Bayt Institute in Paris Imed Eddin Hamrouni pointed to the terrible image of Islam created in the US and said that anti-Islamism is seen in various aspects of life in the United States, including employment, noting that employment laws in the United States restrict Muslims.

He stressed that whenever Muslims are mentioned in the US and Europe, they are associated with terrorists, and this is the most harmful image of Islam that Muslims face in Western societies.


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Human Rights, Western policy tool: Top official