A majority of Americans agree that US President Joe Biden should immediately resign the presidency, according to a survey conducted by the US public opinion firm Rasmussen Reports.

Iran PressAmerica: The survey said that 52% of the polled agreed that if Biden cannot run for a second term, he cannot remain president and "should resign from office now".

Apart from that, 76% of the respondents approve of Biden’s decision to drop out of his reelection campaign, whereas just 18% disapprove of the US president’s decision.

The survey of 1,074 people was conducted on July 22-24. The margin of sampling error is three percentage points.

On July 21, under the pressure of his party members, Biden was forced to announce that he would drop out of the election race. Donald Trump is a Republican presidential nominee for the election, scheduled for November 5. According to recent developments in the Democratic camp, Harris will be at the top of their ticket. The presidential candidate is expected to be formally nominated at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, Illinois, on August 19-22.


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