IP - More than 1,700 people, including university students and staff, have been arrested on campuses across the United States and subjected to violent treatment by law enforcement while protesting the Israeli regime's ongoing onslaught in the Gaza Strip.

Iran PressAmerica: This crackdown by US police echoes the repression faced by Vietnam War protesters over 50 years ago.

The US authorities and university board have deployed police and troops to forcibly remove protesters who have set up encampments or staged sit-ins on more than 70 college campuses in 34 states.

The protesters are demanding an end to US military aid to the Israeli regime, as well as urging universities to divest from Israeli companies.

However, the American authorities have responded to these demands with threats and outright violence, including using tactics like deploying snipers, tear-gassing students, and physically assaulting protesters.

In some cases, such as at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), pro-Zionist counter-protesters violently attacked student protesters, with police and campus security doing little to intervene.

Students face severe consequences for peaceful protests, including potential suspensions, evictions, expulsions, and criminal prosecutions.

The New York Police Department has arrested over 520 protesters in Manhattan alone.

At Dartmouth College in New Hampshire, police detained 90 protesters, including a 65-year-old professor who described her arrest as “brutal".


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