Tehran(IP)- The seventh international edition of the "Culture and Training in Cyberspace and Smart University" conference was held on Mar.11, 2023, in Tehran.

Iran PressIran News: During the conference, theories, environmental studies and empiricism, future studies, policies, and desired practices were talked about and evaluated.

Growth and ethics in the dimensions and topics of virtual space (governance, regulation, social networks, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, blockchain, metaverse, digital economy, computer games, game learning, virtual education, smart university, cyberspace literacy, etc.), socialization and identity in cyberspace (with an emphasis on children, adolescents, and young people) were the pinpoints of the event.

Also, popular participation in cultural and educational governance of cyberspace, cyberspace and family, justice and freedom in cyberspace, architecture, and platforms of the cultural and educational virtual university and smart school, local, national, and global experience in the cultural and educational dimensions of virtual education and smart university in the corona pandemic era, protection of children and adolescents (COP) and other groups in the virtual space, and promotion of cultural skills were among the other issues the conference was supposed to address.


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