Tehran (IP) - The commander-in-chief of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), Maj. Gen. Hossein Salami, revealed that the intelligence had detected Syrian opposition movements months prior, defending the resilience of regional allies like Hezbollah amid ongoing conflicts and stressing Iran's strong political rationale for fighting and robust legitimacy for defense.

Iran PressIran news: The commander-in-chief of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), Maj. Gen. Hossein Salami, mentioned that there was awareness of the Syrian militant groups movements for months. He said, "Our intelligence capabilites managed to uncover their attack routes using intelligence tactics and relayed this information to the political and military levels in Syria. However, the genuine will for change, war, and resilience was absent, which unfortunately led to the events you witnessed."

He continued: "In contrast, look at Hezbollah, which was able to emerge from the heavy rubble of bombings with an Ashura-like battle and again demonstrate the power of faith in a truly unequal confrontation. We thank Almighty God that the resistance front has become independent from our geography. Hezbollah remains, alive and vibrant. The face of the Zionist regime is now associated with political hatred worldwide. These are, in various forms, significant defeats."

Maj. Gen. Salami noted: "Some in political circles, intellectual arenas, and among the general public are promoting the notion that the Islamic Republic of Iran has lost its regional allies. This is not true," he continued. "We decide and act in the battle against infidels based on our internal capacities and capabilities." "We have a strong political rationale for fighting and a robust legitimacy for defense. We have a great nation standing with us, a great leader providing wisdom and inspiration, and powerful armed forces that remain intact. If we had weakened," he concluded, "we would not have been able to fulfill our true promises."

He concluded: "The routes to support the resistance front are still open. It is not the case that all routes are limited to Syria. There, too, the situation might gradually take a different form."

MANI GhadamKheir