Tehran (IP)- According to the results of the ShanghaiRanking's Academic Ranking of World Universities 2021, the Islamic Republic of Iran became the leader in the Islamic world and 11 universities in the country are among the top universities in the world in 2021.

Iran PressIran news: Mohammad Javad Dehghani, head of the Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC), stated: "The Academic Ranking of World Universities also known as the Shanghai Ranking is one of the most prestigious global rankings, the results of which are published by Shanghai Jiao Tong University. The Shanghai rankings were first published internationally in 2003 and have been updated annually since then.‎"

He added: "In the ranking published in Shanghai in 2021, the top 1000 universities in the world are ranked, with Harvard and Stanford universities from the United States and Cambridge University from the United Kingdom being ranked first to third, respectively. The Islamic Republic of Iran is the leader in Islamic countries in this ranking by increasing universities to 11. Turkey is in second place with 8 universities, and Saudi Arabia and Egypt are in third place with 6 universities. It should be noted that the presence of Iranian universities in this ranking system was at the first time with a university (University of Tehran) in 2014.

University of Tehran is on the Top

The head of ISC said: "The results published in this ranking system show that in the ranking of 2021, the University of Tehran, similar to 2020, with a ranking in the range of 301-400, is among the top 400 universities in the world's universities, and in second place in the Islamic world.

Sharif University of Technology, Tarbiat Modares, and Tehran University of Medical Sciences are in the range of 600-501 

Dehghani stated that the Amirkabir University of Technology is in the range of 601-700, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences and Shiraz University in the range of 701-800, Iran University of Science and Technology and the University of Tabriz in the range of 801-900 and Ferdowsi University of Mashhad and Iranian medical sciences are in the range of 1000-901.

He pointed out: The comparative results show that in 2021, Iran has been upgraded in terms of quality of science and technology, so that Iran University of Science and Technology has reached 100-801 with a 100-step upgrade from 1000-901. In the meantime, the Iran University of Medical Sciences has participated in this ranking for the first time.

Status of universities in Islamic countries in the Shanghai Rankings

The head of the ISC said: In the Shanghai 2021 world ranking, Iran with 11 universities, Turkey with 8 universities, Saudi Arabia and Egypt with 6 universities, Malaysia and Pakistan with 5 universities and Tunisia, Lebanon, Qatar, Nigeria, and Oman with one university were among the top 1,000 universities in the world. According to the number of attendances, Iran ranks first among Islamic countries.

Shanghai Ranking methodology

"Shanghai is one of the three most reputable international ranking systems," Dehghani said. The quality of education, the quality of faculty members, research output, and per capita performance are the four criteria used in the Shanghai ranking system, which are evaluated by the following six indicators. This ranking system uses six indicators in the form of four standards for ranking universities. These 6 indicators are the number of Nobel Prize or Field Medal graduates, the number of Nobel Prize or Field Medal faculty members, the number of highly cited researchers in 21 subject areas, the number of articles published in Nature and Science, and the number of indexed articles. In advanced science and social science indexes and academic performance according to the size of the organization.


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