Sarajevo (IP) - Children Friendship Week of Iran and Bosnia and Herzegovina started on Monday, sponsored by Iran's cultural attache and with the participation of Sarajevo International Center for Children and Youth, Bosnian-Farsi College.

Iran PressEurope: Children Friendship Week of Iran and Bosnia and Herzegovina is being held to strengthen people's interaction and consolidate the friendship of children and youth in the two countries.

Mohammad-Hossein Ansari, Iran's cultural attache in Bosnia and Herzegovina, said holding the event will strengthen relations and develop friendships between children and youth of the two countries.

Stating that the people in Bosnia-Herzegovina have a good memory of Iran and Bosnia and Herzegovina's relations in their minds, Ansari expressed hope that the Children's Week event will convey the message of love, peace, and friendship of the Iranian people to the new generation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Emina Selmanović, head of the International Children's Center in Sarajevo, also announced the friendship week between the children of Iran and Bosnia and Herzegovina as the beginning of broader cooperation between the two countries.

The week of friendship between Iran and Bosnia and Herzegovina children is being held on November 7-10, 2022, at the Sarajevo International Children's Center.

A workshop to familiarize with Iranian stories, an exhibition of children's paintings based on Iranian drama, an Iranian short film workshop, and competition in three areas of crafts, painting, and animation are among the programs.


Read More:

Iran, Bosnia to hold Children Friendship Week

Mojtaba Darabi