Iran Press/Iran news: Unveiling of surface and environment disinfection device, the unveiling of the first medium-scale wind turbine with a capacity of 25 kW by experts from the Sun Air Research Institute of the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, the opening of an advanced ventilator production line, and a CT scan machine and the opening of a laboratory for testing oil well, gas and petrochemical are among the important projects that were put into operation with the presence of Sorena Sattari in Mashhad.
Sattari said on Tuesday evening on the sidelines of the unveiling of an advanced ventilator made in Iran in Mashhad that Iranian-based companies are able to meet the needs of the health sector, especially in the fight against the coronavirus.
Referring to the role of knowledge-based companies in turning the threat of sanctions into a valuable opportunity, Sattari said that the knowledge-based company of "Ehya Darman Pishrafteh" in Mashhad has been able to meet the challenge of shortage of ventilators in Iran with local technology.
The Vice President for Science and Technology of the Islamic Republic of Iran emphasized that the advanced ventilator made in Iran by this company is the advanced technological equipment that is in accordance with the latest technologies of the world.
Read more:
Iran produces new ventilators without compressor
Farhad Nayeb