"Holding regular monthly sessions on the Syrian chemical weapons file is merely waste of UN assets and time of the UNSC members," the Iranian Ambassador to the UN said.

Iran PressAmerica: Speaking at the UN Security Council (UNSC) Thursday session on Thursday about the Syrian chemical weapons file, Amir-Saeed Iravani said, "Since the previous UNSC session in this respect no new event, or development has occurred. The OPCW representative office at the UN, too, has not presented any new point in this respect."

"Today's session once again supports the idea that despite the lack of any progress, or evolution in this file, holding regular monthly sessions in this respect is merely waste of UN assets and the time of the UNSC members," reiterated the diplomat of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Iravani at the same made clear that Iran supports resolving the remainder of the issues in the Syrian chemical weapons file in the technical path at the OPCW.

"In order to reach that end, unbiassed, professional, authentic, and tangible investigations are needed, that must match the requirements and processes of the Chemical Weapons NPT," he reiterated.

The Iranian diplomat appreciated Syria's positive interactions with the Organization for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).