Johannesburg(IP)- Hundreds of South African people called on the United States to impose sanctions against the Israeli regime and halt its funding and arming.

Iran PressAfrica: The protesters gathered outside the United States consulate in Sandton on Saturday.

Activist and academic, Salim Vally told Iran Press that millions have protested around the world against the genocide in Gaza; “If they were truly democratic, they would hear the call of the people. People are sick and tired of this violence, of killing over 15 000 children. Bombing hospitals and schools, this sets a precedence for other countries around the world and the world will become an even more insecure place”.The protest coincided with Palestinian Land Day.

Protestors are unconvinced that the United States' failure to veto the latest United Nations Security Council Resolution for a ceasefire could point to a shift in policy. One demonstrator told Iran Press that Israeli regime is the child of America and Washington will always act in Tel Aviv’s interest.

People from various religious backgrounds raised their voices outside the US consulate, include the Kairos Palestine Working Group and the South African Jews for a free Palestine.Stiaan van der Merwe, speaking for the Kairos Palestine Working group told Iran Press that the United States as an empire which is not a benefit for the world.

“This is the arrogance of any empire. But there is a fundamental change that needs to take place in the American mindset about the world at large.”

The South African Jews for Palestine accused the Washington of placing troops on the ground in Palestine and called for their immediate withdrawal.“Without the support from the United States, they (Israelis) cannot continue the genocide.”

At least 32,705 Palestinians have been killed and 75,190 wounded in Israeli attacks on Gaza since October 7.


Read more:

South Africa urges immediate ICJ measures against Israeli crimes

Farhad Nayeb