The EU foreign policy chief once again reacted to Turkey's moves in the eastern Mediterranean, calling them unfavorable to the Turkish goverment.

Iran PressEurope: On Monday, after a meeting of member states' foreign ministers, EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell addressing reporters in Brussels said: "there has been no significant change in Turkey's behavior, and in some cases, even the situation has worsened, and the outcome of the assessments is not positive."

He said the issue would be followed up in detail at the EU summit later this week.

Tensions between Turkey and the European Union have risen following Ankara's discovery of significant gas resources in the eastern Mediterranean.

Turkey which had withdrawn its 'Oroch Rais' exploration ship from the region in early October following escalating tensions between Ankara and Athens over its gas resources in the eastern Mediterranean, has announced that it will resume operations; this move could create new tensions and lead to tougher EU sanctions against Turkey.

EU ministers told Turkey in October to suspend exploration in the disputed waters of the eastern Mediterranean or to wait for the consequences. 219

Ashkan Salehian