Stacked with bricked columns and semicircular arches and wooden pillared terrace, the Kolah-Farangi Mansion is a masterpiece of architecture, a one of a kind, in Qazvin province.

Iran Press/Iran news: Locating on a vast plain, Qazvin Province-west of Tehran has been home to settlers and various peoples for over 10,000 years. Qazvin has some of the most remarkable archeological artifacts of past millennia, and an architectural masterpiece of the city of Qazvin is the beautiful and eye-catching mansion known as "Kolah-Farangi pavilion" also called the Chehel Sotoun mansion (which literally means the mansion of forty columns).

The monument is located in the city center, the heart of Qazvin.  

Forty columns pavilion has been built during the Safavid era by Shah Tahmasb II when Qazvin was Iran's capital. A two-story building with an area of approximately 500 square meters, and octagonal in shape.

Stacked with bricked columns and semicircular arches and wooden pillared terrace, the mansion is a masterpiece of architecture, and quite unique.

The murals of this building are outstanding examples of Qazvin's school of art with worldwide reputation and fame. The outstanding architecture of forty columns is the sashes on four sides of the second-floor hall.

The Forty-Columns mansion has been a treasure trove of ancient and historical objects and antiques since the mid-60s and is now the Calligraphy museum, known as Iran's calligraphy capital. Works of Mir-Emad Seifi Qazvini, Dervish Abdolmajid, and many other famed Qazvini artists have been kept at this museum and are being put on public display.

Qazvin's handmade handicrafts such as Gelim and Jajim, have always drawn the tourists' eyes, also Qazvin's traditional pastries: Nokhodi, Padrazi, Baqlava, Nane-Chaie are Qazvine's favorite souvenirs to accompany any tourist.

Qazvin's dried nuts, as well as almonds, pistachios, and walnuts, are the staple of tourists' souvenir-basket. 101/211/207

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Zohre Khazaee