NYC mayor blames Trump over hospital equipment shortage: People will die

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio stated that hospitals in the city are running out of essential medical equipment due to the Trump administration's irresponsibility.

Iran Press/America: New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio on Sunday, March 22 warned that New York hospitals are just 10 days away from running out of essential equipment to save lives from the novel coronavirus.

“If we don’t get more ventilators in the next 10 days, people will die who don’t have to die. It’s as simple as that,” de Blasio told to CNN.

“I think we’re about 10 days away now from seeing widespread shortages of really fundamental supplies such as ventilators, surgical masks the things that absolutely are necessary to keep a hospital running,” he said.

“They will not be able to function if they don’t get an infusion of money right away,” he said, saying the city lost “billions of dollars in the past week.”

“It sure as hell feels like we’re on our own at the moment. We are not seeing action from the federal government,” he told CNN. “We’re not getting shipments. We’re not getting the stuff we need.”

De Blasio said the crisis that has seen more than 8,000 cases in New York City with at least 60 deaths will soon get worse.

“We have only just begun. That is the truth. The worst is yet to come,” he warned. “April is going to be a lot worse than March and I feel May could be worse than April.”

“I can’t be blunt enough: If the US President Donald Trump doesn’t act, people will die who could have lived otherwise senior citizens, folks who are members of families,” the  New York City mayor said.

Nearly 30,000 cases of the coronavirus have now been identified in the United States, a figure that continues to grow rapidly as testing expands and the virus spreads through the country. As of Sunday afternoon, at least 29,666 people across every state, plus Washington, D.C., and three US territories, have tested positive for the virus, according to a New York Times database, and at least 377 patients with the virus have died.


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