Iran Press/ Iran News: The Iranian minister of foreign affairs as well as the senior officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ambassadors and heads of the Islamic Republic of Iran's missions abroad met with the Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei on Saturday.
This meeting was held on the eve of the nationwide gathering of the heads of the Islamic Republic of Iran's missions abroad.
Flexibility does not conflict with principles
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Khamenei, in the meeting with the minister and the officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, considered expediency to mean recognizing the cases of flexibility and said: "Flexibility does not contradict principles."
Excerpts from the Leader of the Revolution's remarks in this meeting are as follows:
- Wisdom means wise action in international interactions.
- Expediency means knowing flexibility; Somewhere you have to be flexible. Flexibility does not conflict with principles. Preservation of the principles with the possibility of flexibility are compatible. You can be flexible in some junctures. A few years ago, once I underlined heroic flexibility. It was misunderstood. Some people misunderstood and made miscalculation. Some inside Iran also misunderstood the meaning of this. Flexibility is necessary in some junctures and should be done. The same meaning that we mean in Taqiyya (religious dissimulation) with relation to Imamate, I have talked about taqiyya in detail. Taqiyyah means when you are moving somewhere, you come to a rock that you cannot pass, find a way and pass by the rock. Flexibility means this. The meaning of flexibility is not that we refrained from continuing and retreated. No; we did not go to fight with the rock, we acted with flexibility, we were able to find another way.
Dignity means rejecting 'begging diplomacy'
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution elaborated on the three basic keywords in the diplomacy of Iran.
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution, by explaining the criteria and indicators of a successful foreign policy, called 'dignity' rejecting and avoiding begging diplomacy, 'wisdom' wise interactions and activities and calculation and "expediency" the flexibility to bypass difficult obstacles and continue the path as the three basic keywords in the diplomacy of the country and tasked the officials of the diplomacy of the country to constantly monitor the gradual developments and influential events in the international order in order to elevate Iran's position of in world's order.
Ayatollah Khamenei considered a good foreign policy and an efficient diplomatic system as a fundamental pillar for the successful administration of the country and stated 6 mandatory rules in foreign policy and said: "Compliance with these indicators is a sign of a successful foreign policy and if these rules are not observed, we have problems in the theory of foreign policy or in the functioning and operations of diplomacy.
The ability to convincingly explain the logic of the country's approaches to various issues was the first rule of a successful foreign policy that the leader of the Islamic Revolution stated.
'Effective presence in various political-economic phenomena, events and currents of the world,' 'Fixing and reducing threatening policies and decisions against Iran,' 'Weakening dangerous centers,' 'Strengthening governments and groups allied with Iran and developing Iran's strategic depth and 'the ability to recognize hidden layers in regional and global decisions and actions,' were five other principles that the Leader expressed in describing a successful and honorable foreign policy.
Ayatollah Khamenei also elaborated on the meaning 'of the three keywords, including dignity, wisdom and expediency' in the category of foreign policy.
The Leader said that not relying on principles in foreign policy is against dignity and causes hesitation and added: "In all global issues, we act honorably and rely on principles in our words and actions and facing the actions of others."
The Leader of the revolution listed the true meaning of 'wisdom' as "wise, thought out and calculated" behavior and speech and said: "Every move in foreign policy must be rational and thought out, and rash and unaccountable decisions and actions have hurt the country at times."
He listed the lack of trust in the other parties as another concept of 'wisdom' and said: "Of course, every word in the world of politics should not be considered a lie; because there are honest and acceptable words, but not all words should be trusted."
'Expediency' in the sense of having flexibility in the cases necessary to bypass hard and rocky obstacles and continue the path, was another important keyword that the Leader explained.
Ayatollah Khamenei said: "Maintaining principles does not conflict with expediency in the mentioned sense. Of course, a few years ago, when the concept of 'heroic flexibility' was proposed, outsiders and some inside the country misunderstood; because expediency means finding a way to overcome difficult obstacles and continue the way to reach the goal.
Ayatollah Khamenei, called "good, timely and well thought out" personal initiatives, especially in the interactions of ambassadors important and necessary.
The issue of 'the quality and quantity of human resources in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the recruitment of efficient and reliable elements' was another point that the Leader of the Revolution pointed out and said: "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs must recruit forces that are deeply believe in the intellectual foundations and they should believe in the politics of the revolution and the Islamic Republic, and with sufficient motivation, strong will, mobility and activity, they should stand and not bend in front of the intellectual and smear campaign of foreigners."
Ayatollah Khamenei expressed his satisfaction with the plan of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to attract young elites and emphasized: "Taking care of the motivation, faith and will of the elites is an important task of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs."
The Leader of the Revolution called the missions of Iran abroad as representatives of the people and their behavior reflects the identity and nature of the Iranian nation and said: Iranian diplomats should be a symbol of faith, love zeal, and determination for dear Iran. They should be dynamic and busy, and their speech and behavior should be respectful to the people of Iran.
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