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Tehran(IP)-The spokesman of Iran's Ministry of Foreign Affairs called the discourse of the Islamic Revolution the dominant one in the region with its message of religious democracy and identity being reached the ears of the world.

Iran PressIran news: Imam Khomeini, the great founder of the Islamic Revolution of Iran on 1 February 1979, after 15 years in exile, returned to Iran from France. His arrival led to the final overthrow of the Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, on 11 February 1979.

Speaking at the beginning of his weekly presser on Monday morning the spokesman of Iran's Ministry of Foreign Affairs Nasser Kanaani says: "The Islamic Revolution emerged victorious only by the will of the people and without any foreign intervention and showed that the equations of the world can develop and win not by the superpowers, but by the will of the nations."

Kanaani further stated: "For several decades, the discourse of the Islamic revolution has become a dominant one in the region, with its message being reached the ears of the world, and the nations, influenced by the message of Late Imam Khomeini and (Iran's) model of religious democracy and identity, are trying to gain their political independence while countering the power and the arrogance to protect their national and human identity from hegemonic powers' aggression."

Now the Islamic Republic of Iran has emerged more powerful than ever and the conspirators have failed to bring the country into crisis through foreign movements added he.

Iran ready to help earthquake victims in Syria, Türkiye 

Kanaani, while expressing his sympathy with the victims of the earthquake in Syria and Türkiye announced the readiness of Iran's relief, medical and health institutions to help them.

Iran urges South Korea to pay arrears

The spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said about the legal follow-up of South Korea's debts to Iran: "Iran is seriously following up on the financial claims in South Korean banks and will follow up until the collection of all national assets."

Kanaani stated that unfortunately, the Korean government has not shown the necessary will to solve the problem. "We are trying to use these resources for some of Iran's needs. The government of the Islamic Republic of Iran is making a decision about the complaint and will take the necessary steps."

He further added: "We demanded a convincing explanation from South Korea about the remarks of the president of this country against Iran, but their explanation was not convincing. If we do not receive a clear and convincing answer, we will consider this as an official matter of the Korean government, which may have further negative effects on bilateral relations."

Embassy attack should not affect Iran-Azerbaijan relations

The spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the accident at the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Tehran said that this incident was a personal act and that the police and judicial forces are investigating its dimensions more closely.

He added: "The Islamic Republic of Iran believes in the necessity of self-restraint and avoiding haste and judgment. We will continue the matter and we hope that the relations between the two friendly countries will not be affected more after this tragic incident."

Attack in Isfahan fails with Iran strong defensive measures

In response to a question about the failed attack on one of the Ministry of Defense's workshop complexes in Isfahan province, Kanaani said: "The failed attack in Isfahan was a malicious act carried out by Iran's enemies, which was a failed attack with  strong defense measures."

He noted that the attack shows the ability of the nation and the country to progress more and more in the fields of defense and industry, and such actions will not affect the determination of the nation and the country of Iran to progress in various fields.

US dual policy in Ukraine war

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran said that the US has adopted a dual policy in Ukraine, like many other international issues.

Nasser Kanaani in response to Iran Press's question about the $2.2 billion US military aid to Ukraine stated: "The number and figure of US military aid to Ukraine and its sales to Europe in the war with Ukraine is more than this amount."

He emphasized that if these aids were used to create peace, we would not be witnessing the current situation in Ukraine. While referring to the political accusations against Iran regarding the military aid to Russia in the war with Ukraine, Kanaani once again said: "Our policy is not to support the war and not to support one side."

Kanaani added: "The authorities of Ukraine should not sacrifice their interests and the nation's interests to the policies of the US and NATO, and we hope to see peace talks and an end to the war in Ukraine soon."


Read more:

Iran marks 44th anniversary of Imam Khomeini's return to country

Speaker: Islamic Revolution's goals must not be pursued in unbalanced manner

Farhad Nayeb