London(IP)- The biggest strike and protest took place in London at the same time, so once again British people from different walks of life protested against high prices and low wages.

Iran PressEurope: The streets of central London on the first day of the second month of 2023 recorded the most unprecedented demonstrations in support of the strike of various sectors in the UK.

Strikes, gatherings, and demonstrations in Britain reached teachers and they, like other sectors, protested against the low wages and the British government's inattention to the education sector.

One of the female teachers told the Iran press correspondent in London that the purpose of the teachers' strike and demonstration in the UK is the low wages and the reduction of the quality of education and the government's inattention to their demands.

A male teacher named "Jimmy" told Iran press correspondent during the demonstration in London that teachers' low salaries and the government's disregard for the education budget are the reasons for their demonstrations and strikes.

The protester from London emphasized that the British government has shown that it only cares about the rich.

Another teacher named "Mayer" told the Iran press correspondent in London, teachers, and school officials are protesting, against the rise of the education budget and wages.

At the beginning of the new year, Britain is facing an economic crisis and the high cost of energy and basic commodities. The low wages compared to inflation and high prices have made different classes of people face a crisis.

In addition to teacher strikes and school closures, strikes in various sectors such as public transport continue, and London and other British cities witness strikes and demonstrations almost every week.


Read more:

Half a million British workers strike over pay