London (IP) - On Saturday, these British mothers in anti-government demonstrations considered the forced annual dismissal of 54 thousand of mothers from their job due to motherhood to be catastrophic.

Iran PressEurope: The protestors believe that the high costs of taking care of children in kindergartens have caused most of the income of working mothers to be spent on taking care of their children in these centers.

Thousands of mothers protested in front of the British Prime Minister's building, criticizing the continuance of the government's austerity policy, which has led to the reduction of free or low-cost public services in this country, and condemned the continuation of this process and demanded the allocation of child care allowances.

Protesting mothers have expressed their anger that Britain has the world's second most expensive childcare service.

British mothers at the demonstration were carrying placards that read, "We're hired by our skills and fired by being mothers."

Similar demonstrations were held in other British cities, including Glasgow, Birmingham, Manchester, and Norwich.

Organizations supporting mothers' rights in the UK reported that, in a survey of thousands of couples, it was found that 31% of them do not want to have children due to financial problems and the high costs of keeping children in kindergartens, and 48% of pregnant women have to lose their jobs before Return to work at the end of maternity leave.

According to these institutions, more than 60% of mothers who have had an abortion in the last 5 years consider the high costs of child care as a factor in their decision to terminate the pregnancy, and 43% of mothers think of quitting their jobs as a direct result of child care costs.


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