Iran's Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian noted in the third meeting of Iranian-Arab dialogues for interaction and cooperation that Iran is determined to promote and deepen understanding and empathy among the countries of the region.

 Iran PressCommentary: The third meeting of Iranian-Arab dialogues for interaction and cooperation was held on Sunday, May 12, with the presence of Hossein Amir-Abdollahian Iranian Minister of Foreign Affairs as one of the key-note speakers of the event, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and with the presence of thinkers and political figures, hosted by Iran's Strategic Council of Foreign Relations in Tehran.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran said in this meeting:

"Based on the neighborhood policy, Iran has made efforts to develop with all its neighbors, the Islamic world and the Arab world, one of its examples it is the normalizations of ties between Riyadh and Tehran."

Regarding Iran's plan for Palestine, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran noted:

The Islamic Republic of Iran presented the democratic referendum plan years ago and registered it in the United Nations as a political solution to the crisis. The issue of Palestine should be the center of gravity of the Islamic world.

In recent years, the Islamic Republic of Iran's authorities have always emphasized prioritizing relations with neighbors in their foreign policy approach. Iran has played an essential and decisive role in establishing stability and security in the region, and the presence of the country's armed forces has somehow calmed and reduced tensions.

The role of Iran's law enforcement and military forces has been effective in countering the movements of terrorist groups, and with the role of Iran's armed forces, these groups and their Western supporters have failed to advance conspiracies and create tension and insecurity in the region.

The United States and the European governments supporting the White House in recent years played an effective role in the continuation of instability in the region by supporting terrorist outfits, and the interventionist presence of the American military in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria exacerbated insecurity in these countries and It provided for terrorist groups to gain power.

The Islamic Republic of Iran, in its foreign policy perspective, has also emphasized the need to withdraw foreign troops from the region and considers the only solution to the problems to be the cooperation of regional countries and the non-interference of foreigners in the internal affairs of regional countries.

The continuation of Iran's policies, to cooperate with its neighbors aimed at deepening political and economic relations, encouraged the countries of the region to expand cooperation with Iran in various fields.

The reopening of Saudi Arabia's embassy in Tehran shows Iran's new approach to increasing regional cooperation and welcoming the expansion of relations in various economic, political, and cultural fields with the countries of the region.

Prioritizing regional relations is an effective factor in reducing the interference of foreigners and speeding up investment without the need for the self-interested presence of Western companies, banks, and institutions, which only focus on profiteering and abuse of resources, especially in West Asia.  Have been their main goals have been.

Another important and impressive approach of Iran, in post the Islamic Revolution era, has been defending the rights of the Palestinian people, which is considered one of the important principles of the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The crime committed by the Israeli regime in Gaza, and the disregard for international laws and humanitarian principles, clearly revealed the legitimacy of Iran's position against this fake regime for the countries of the region.

Confronting the crimes of the Israeli regime, paying more attention to regional cooperation to expand cooperation and confront the Israelis, and relying on the principles of cooperation with neighbors have been among the priorities of Tehran's foreign policy, which the countries of the region also welcome today.


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