Iran Press/ Iran News: Thousands of people of "Sistan and Baluchistan" and "South Khorasan" provinces met with the Leader of the Islamic Revolution in Tehran on Monday morning. The excerpt of the Leader's remarks is as follows:
For me, meeting you dear ones is memorable. Both the people of Birjand and South Khorasan and the people of Sistan and Baluchistan. I fought the first fight against the Pahlavi regime in Birjand. In the month of Muharram 1963, that is, sixty years ago.
The second encounter was in Zahedan. That too in the month of Ramadan in 1963.
They arrested me in Birjand on the day of Tasua. They took me to the police detention center. The people of Birjand wanted to attack the police command center on Ashura day, to take me out of there. The wisdom of the late Mr. Tahami, a prominent scholar, did not allow this to happen in Birjand. He said that this would cause problems for me. The people and scholars were with this movement that day, I was not alone. All of the people of Birjand and its great scholars joined me.
During the month of Ramadan, the same year, I went to Zahedan, there were two great scholars in Zahedan; The prominent Shia scholar was the late Mr. Kafami, and the Sunni scholar was the late Maulvi Abdulaziz Molazehi. They arrested me there and brought me to Tehran and took me to Qazal Qala prison. The late Kafami publicly voiced support for me, and the late Maulawi Abdul Aziz issued a decree in the direction of my words. That is the first obvious move that I made in confronting the Pahlavi system.
World on verge of transformation, US to become weaker
Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei added: The world is on the eve of a transformation; the main lines of transformation include several issues, including the weakening of the arrogant powers of the world. The arrogant power of the US and some European countries has weakened and will become weaker.
Our intelligence data tells us that the US government has created a group called the Crisis Group in this country; with the mission of creating a crisis in countries including Iran, to try to provoke the places in the country that they think will cause the crisis. They came to the conclusion by thinking and studying that there are several crisis points in Iran: ethnic differences, religious differences, and the issue of gender and women, which should be provoked to create a crisis. This is a US program but it is in vain.
The enemy is serious in his enmity and planning, and we are also very serious in confronting the enemy.
Officials should respect these people and should serve them. Of course, in Sistan and Baluchistan, a lot of work has been done, the Baluchistan you see today is not the Balochistan of the Pahlavi period, I have seen that day, the people had nothing. Work started in this region from the first day, both there and in Zabul and other areas of the province. The work is ongoing today. These works must continue diligently.
This issue of the railway is very important; connecting the north and southeast of the country with a railway is very important for the province and the provinces in between.
The issue of Zabul water is very important. All the work and all the ways must be done in order to ensure the people's right to water.
There are many things ahead of us that need to be done. If those decisions had been made in the early 2000s, when I came to Baluchistan, if the governments had implemented those decisions, the face of the province would have been different today. There was laziness and inattention on the part of some governments. Today, thank God, they are busy, working, trying. I hope and God willing that this hope will come to fruition.
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