Diyala (IP)- The head of the Hosseini procession Mawakib in Iraq's Diyala province said that 600 procession Mawakib in this province will start to work from next week to provide services to the pilgrims of Arbaeen Hosseini (PBUH).

Iran PressMiddle East: The Mawakib (Plural of Mawkib) are a key medium through which the governance of the Arbaeen rituals operates. Along the road to Karbala, thousands of Mawakibs are organized to provide pilgrims with a wide range of free services including food, beverage, lodging, religious training, medical services, free international phone call, and almost everything one may need on his path toward Karbala. The central idea regarding Mawkib is that people partake in both the pilgrimage as well as serving of devotees.

20th of  Safar 1445 AH (15 Shahrivar 1402) is the fortieth day passed from the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (AS), the third Imam of the world's Shias and his faithful companions in the desert of Karbala on the day of Ashura.

According to Iran Press citing the Al-Malouma news site, "Ali Ahmad Taher", the head of the Hosseini processions Mawkib in Diyala province (eastern Iraq), stated that these processions mawakibs provide services to Arbaeen pilgrims on five land routes, added:

"A committee has been formed to supervise the functioning of these mawakib. And their location will be determined thanks to the coordination of the Arbaeen Pilgrimage Management Committee."

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The head of the Hosseini procession Mawakib in Iraq's Diyala province stated: "A representative of the Hosseini processions Mawakib will be present at the security office of Arbaeen pilgrimage and will convey instructions and any requests and information to the processions."

Ahmad Tahir pointed out that based on the emphasis of the Hosseini processions in Diyala province, all processions are prohibited from four activities, adding:" Carrying weapons, political propaganda, collecting public donations and blocking roads by Mawakib   for any reason are prohibited."

This Iraqi official emphasized: "All roads in Diyala province will be open and they will not be allowed to be closed for any reason other than the orders of the security authorities."

In the upcoming days, Diyala province of Iraq will witness the movement of tens of thousands of pilgrims from different regions of the province towards Holy Karbala, and for this reason, this province has seen security preparations in the past days to welcome the pilgrims of Hosseini's Arbaeen. 


Read More: 

Iran, Iraq to facilitate ICT services for Arbaeen pilgrims


Ali Akbar khandan