Tehran (IP) - In a soft war, the colonialists seek to divert the Iranian nation from their talent, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution says. 

Iran PressIran news: In a meeting with young elites and top scientific talents on Wednesday morning, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, called the elites the respected of the nation and stressed the need for the scientific community and elites to focus on finding scientific solutions to various problems.

Iranians are capable of solving problems by Talent

The Leader added: "The elite capacity of the youth of the Iranian nation can pave the way for filling the country's scientific gap with world science, crossing the global borders of science, creating a new Islamic civilization and realizing the country's bright future."

The Leader commended the valuable comments that the elites raised in this meeting and called the elite a divine blessing and added: "Talent and mental capacity are not the only conditions for the realization of the elite but should be with gratitude and appreciation of this blessing, and with work and effort, and effort turn the Talent and capacity into eliteness.

The Leader of the Revolution added that, of course, gratitude and practice gratitude for the blessings of the young elite is also the duty of parents, teachers and professors, and government agencies.

Ayatollah Khamenei pointed out: "The Iranian nation is potentially elite, and for this reason, it has long been the target of a humiliating soft war of the colonialists to forget and even deny their talents and abilities and accept the big lie "we cannot. "

colonialists seek to undermine other nations abilities

Referring to Jawaharlal Nehru's memoirs from India about the direct and indirect efforts of the British to eliminate the feeling of ability and self-reliance in the minds of the Indian people, Ayatollah Khamenei said: " In the last 200 years of Iran's history, the colonialists and rulers of the time unanimously propagated the inability of the Iranian nation, which ended by the victory of the revolution."

The Leader of the Revolution considered negligence and plunder as two complementary goals of the colonialists in instilling incapacity in the nations and added: "When a nation neglects its capabilities, its looting becomes easy. In fact, negligence, is the prelude to looting and plunder, increases the negligence of nations of inner abilities and talents."

God in Holy Quran has warned about the potential inner negligence

Ayatollah Khamenei, quoting the explicit verses of the Holy Quran about the negative consequences of negligence, added: "God warns in the heavenly book that the enemy wants you to neglect your weapons and assets so that he can easily attack which this issue is significant today due to the pressures and controversies in the world about the issue of UAVs and missiles."

"The sense of responsibility of the elites" was another point that the Leader of the Revolution addressed in this meeting and emphasized that both the officials should fulfill their duties towards the elites. The young elites should feel responsible for the country's issues and fight against obstacles and, with the acceptance of some inevitable hardships, do not allow some ignorance by some agencies vis-a-vis the elites to prevent them from continuing on their way and making an effort and feeling responsibility.

Another point that the Leader of the Revolution made for the young elites and top scientific talents was "the need to pay attention to the planned and targeted future for dear Iran." Recalling his remarks a few years ago about the future of Iran and the need for being a frontrunner in the field of world science, he said: "We must move in such a way that in a reasonable future, Iran becomes a source of world science and everyone has to learn Persian to access the latest scientific findings, as at some points in history, Iranians were at the top of world knowledge and the books of Iranian scientists were taught and cited by scholars in the West and East."

Iranians have to chase frontlines of world science

Ayatollah Khamenei considered three steps necessary to achieve this bright and proud future. First: great efforts to fill the current gap with the frontlines of world science, second: crossing the borders of world knowledge and presenting new scientific discoveries to human society, and third: building a new Islamic civilization based on beneficial science.

The Leader underlined: "If the young elites look to this bright horizon, their scientific movement will be in the right direction and the problems will be solved."

The "necessity of scientific production" was another point that the Leader of the Revolution and explained: "Today, critical scientific works are being done in the country, which is often among the scientific branches created by others, while in addition, we must be creative and innovative to discover the unknown laws of nature, and innovated in the production of science.

The Leader called "problem-orientation" and solving the country's problems as essential goals of the country's scientific community, and by enumerating issues such as water problems, environment, traffic, social harms, evacuation of villages, monetary, financial, tax, banking, and production system issues, he said that a scientific solution could be found for all the problems of the country.

Ayatollah Khamenei pointed out that in some countries. However, most universities are private; they are given large government budgets, not in bulk, but in such a way that the government defines issues for the university. If the university solves those problems, the funding is allocated to it.

The Leader of the Revolution called "artificial intelligence" a critical and future-making issue and emphasized: "This issue has a role in governing the future of the world and we must act in such a way that Iran is placed among the top 10 countries in the world of artificial intelligence."

 encouraging youth elites to leave the country, act of betrayal

In another part of his remarks on the issue of elite migration, he said: "Today, elite youth can grow and develop in the country, but as we have said before, the desire of an elite to migrate to another country with the view that they owe the country and after graduation, they will return.

Ayatollah Khamenei added: "But paving the way for emigration of the elite and the fact that elements in some universities discourage the elite youth from the future and encourage him/her to leave the homeland, is explicitly a betrayal of the country and enmity with it."

The Leader underlined that the issue of eliminating obstacles in the way of production and attributed the most critical barriers to show in the country as cultural barriers such as "despair, sense of futility, lack of diligence, harmful hobbies, feeling of helplessness and not being dangerous."

In another part of his remarks, Ayatollah Khamenei expressed his satisfaction with the quantitative growth of knowledge-based companies, emphasizing the need to increase the quality of these companies, and pointed out to be strict in observing the criteria of being knowledge-based.

Referring to the lack of knowledge-based industries in the country, he said: "Large industries such as automobiles should also be knowledge-based by using knowledge-based companies."


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Mojtaba Darabi