Tehran (IP) - Iran’s vice president for science and technology, Sorena Sattari said that investing in educated people leads to a knowledge-based economy.

Iran PressIran News: Delivering a speech on the unveiling ceremony of 'Iran Migration Outlook', Sattari said lots of baseless statistics on the number of Iranian immigrants have been given, which made us publish reliable statistics based on referable documents.

He went on to say that in the past 37% of our university students migrated to other countries while this number is less than 2% today, but lots of invalid statistics still insist on 'brain drain'.

Emphasizing on that fact we need our students to study in top universities to update ourselves with the latest knowledge, Sorena Sattari said that we must plan and pave the way for them to return to our country.

In our department, we have focused on this goal since 5 years ago and more than 1700 university students came back to Iran.

Head of 'Iran Migration Monitoring', Bahram Salavati also noted that between 2015 to 2020 more than 1500 students, who graduated from 100 top universities of the world came back to Iran.

Salavati added that Iran is among the countries which have a reference in migrations’ data with both local and international sources.

'Iran Migration outlook' is a written and online reference that represents the latest statistics on the number of Iranian migrants based on local and international sources.   104/207

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Zohre Khazaee